Underground Utilities Resource Center
Town council email info@brcivic.org
Blowing Rock Civic Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and improving the quality of life in Blowing Rock by evaluating civic issues, educating, and engaging residents on key issues, working with the local government and the business community, and encouraging citizens to be involved and vote.
The Underground Utilities Task Force is proposing burying the overhead utilities along Main Street at a projected optional additional cost of $4-$7 Million of taxpayer monies. This important project is out for bids and expected to be voted on in the very near future.
BRCA is providing our members and registered voters with current information and an easy and convenient platform for voicing your position on this important topic. Please review the following details and make your voice heard to our Town Council members.
It is important that they hear from each of us on this important issue ASAP
Blowing Rock Council Members Contact Info:
- Mayor Charlie Sellers mayor@townofblowingrocknc.gov
- Mayor Pro-Tem Doug Matheson dmatheson@tobr.us
- Councilman Albert Yount ayount@tobr.us
- Councilman David Harwood dharwood@tobr.us
- Councilwoman Melissa Pickett mpickett@tobr.us
- Councilman “Pier” Pete Gherini pgherini@tobr.us
To view the latest presentation on Underground Utilities from the Task Force
Task Force Underground Utilities Presentation
Download the full Underground Utilities Resource Center
Town council email info@brcivic.org