Latest News

24/7 Ambulance County Ambulance Meeting

May 23, 2022 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, WE NEED YOUR HELP! As you know, we have advocated with the County and Town to provide 24/7 transport ambulance service to all residents of Blowing Rock and throughout the County to meet the national standard of 90/9.  The national standard is designed to drive performance to reach all emergency calls…

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Town Council Budget Meetings

May 11, 2022 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, Mark your calendar for the two upcoming budget meetings of the Town Council. Regards, Tom Ross NOTICE OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS THE TOWN OF BLOWING ROCK’S TOWN MANAGER’S RECOMMENDED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022/2023 HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE TOWN OF BLOWING ROCK TOWN COUNCIL AS OF TUESDAY,…

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Town Council Agenda – May 10, 2022

Protects | Preserves | Informs | Engages | Unites May 6, 2022 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, The Town Council will conduct their monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 10th at 6pm in council chambers. Read the entire meeting package and agenda at the following link – The agenda includes a Public Hearing to consider amending the…

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Town Council Meeting Agenda & Property Tax Revaluations

April 11, 2022 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, TOWN COUNCIL MEETING The Town Council released the agenda for tomorrow night’s meeting at 6pm. Please go to Agenda  on the Town website to review the agenda. There are four presentations on the agenda: 1. Light Up Watauga 2. New River Conservancy 3. History Walk 4. Parking Committee You…

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Watauga County Commissioners – Act Now – 24/7 Ambulance

    Protects | Preserves | Informs | Engages | Unites April 1, 2022 Dear Watauga County Commissioners, The homeowners and taxpayers ask that you take action to add a 24/7 transport ambulance for Blowing Rock and the Blowing Rock Fire District in your FY23 Budget. The County’s current system does not meet the “90/9”national…

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Town Council Agenda – March 8, 2022

  March 5, 2022 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, Yesterday, the Town released the Council agenda for the meeting next Tuesday on March 8th  at 6pm. The agenda is packed. You can review the entire agenda at the following link Please consider attending or watching the meeting by video link at If you wish to speak during the…

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Town Communication Links

March 1, 2022 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, Our Town Manager, Shane Fox, asked us to share two communication links with the Town of Blowing Rock to help you stay informed. If you are a Facebook user, “follow” the Town on Facebook by using this link Additionally, you can sign up to receive the Town’s Newsletter,…

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Snow!!!! Thank you Blowing Rock Public Works Team

(Photo courtesy of Lonnie Webster) January 25,2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners and Public Works Team, The snow has been beautiful to observe, but sometimes we may take for granted the Public Works Team that makes our lives better. One of our board members, Joe Bogdahn, let me know how much he appreciated our quality Town…

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Sustainable Tourism Management Report by Roger Brooks

January 22, 2022 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, The Blowing Rock Tourism Development Authority released the Sustainable Tourism Management Report by Roger Brooks yesterday. You can read the full report at The report and its recommendations will require extensive review and evaluation by the Town Council and the community during 2022. Homeowners and Business Owners have a…

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Town Council Agenda – January 11 2022

January 8, 2022 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, The Town Council will meet on Tuesday January 11th, at 6 pm. You can read the entire agenda and board package using the following link to the Town’s website  at Highlights of the agenda include: 1.    Town Council – Swear in Pete Gherini to serve on the Town…

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