Latest News
Rainey Lodge Status
August 26, 2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, Some of you have been asking about the status of the Rainey Lodge Hotel project behind Speckle Trout which was approved by the Town Council just over two years ago in June 2019. There are four conditions that must be met by the developer to start construction which…
24/7 Transport Ambulance Proposal
August 18, 2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, Beech Mountain is dealing with the same 24/7 transport ambulance service that we are in Blowing Rock. This article in the Watauga Democrat describes the compromise funding solution that the taxpayers of Beech Mountain will have to fund. See the following link. As we have discussed As…
Green Hill Estates – Planning Board – August 12th
August 16, 2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, On August 19th, The Planning Board will be reviewing a Special Use Permit (SUP) for new 10 lot subdivision on Green Hill Road, called Green Hill Estates. We are trying to make the community aware of proposed projects as soon as we have information to share. The window…
24/7 Transport Ambulance – Unacceptable Risk!
August 8, 2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, RE: 24/7 County Transport Ambulance Service – Unacceptable Risk! We hope you have been following quest to secure quality transport ambulance service in Blowing Rock and throughout the County. Blowing Rock Civic Association hosted a community meeting to educate our homeowners on July 22nd. You can watch the…
Roger Brooks Interim Report on Tourism Study
July 20, 2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, Roger Brooks presented his interim recommendations to the community last week. You can take the survey and review the video of the meeting using the links below provided by the Blowing Rock Tourism Development Authority. This is your opportunity to participate in the process and share your views….
State of the Town Meeting
August 2, 2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, The Town and Chamber are sponsoring the State of the Town update on August 12th. See Invitation from the Chamber of Commerce and Town of Blowing Rock.
Partnership with Blowing Rock Historical Society
July 25, 2021 Blowing Rock Homeowners, We are pleased to announce a partnership between Blowing Rock Historical Society and Blowing Rock Civic Association to produce a video history of Blowing Rock. Please join the Historical Society next Sunday to learn more about this and other exciting projects. See invitation below. Two of our board members…
REMINDER RSVP DEADLINE Blowing Rock Civic Association Your Invitation Why is Watauga County ambulance response time to Blowing Rock double the response time to Boone? Why doesn’t Blowing Rock have a 24/7 ambulance? As homeowners in Blowing Rock, we need to know what to expect if a family member needs emergency help. Thursday, July 22nd…
Invitation to attend Tourism Progress Report by Roger Brooks
July 10, 2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, The Tourism Development Authority invites you to a “Progress Report” by Roger Brooks to share his preliminary observations and recommendations for the Sustainable Tourism Plan. This meeting is a very important next step for the community to learn and ask questions. The public meeting will be held on…