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Blowing Rock 2021 Winter Retreat Report

February 13, 2021 Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, The future of Blowing Rock is important to all who live in Blowing Rock whether you live in Blowing Rock full-time, part-time throughout the year or during the season, we all have a stake in the future and should have a voice. Homeowners are the foundation of our…

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Town of Blowing Rock Winter Retreat – Next Week

Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners The Town Council will conduct their annual Winter Retreat on Monday through Wednesday. We believe this process is vitally important for the Town to set priorities and provide a framework to plan and implement decisions. We appreciate the time and preparation by the staff and council to set priorities. Agendas for…

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Valley Boulevard Vision – Mosaic Civic Studio Report

One of our key priorities is to “Protect the Village”. The future of Valley Boulevard is of major importance to the future of our Village. You will recall the Valley Boulevard Vision process that took place in 2019. The community came together to make recommendations to the Planning Board to set a vision for development…

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Future of Tourism

Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, Future of Tourism As homeowners, we all have been overwhelmed by the impact of tourists on our lives. In the past, all we had to do was to avoid Downtown on the weekends. This year we experienced overwhelming numbers of tourists and traffic such that we couldn’t go Downtown all week…

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1978 to 2020- EMS Battle – 42 Years in the Making

Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, Last week, the Watauga Democrat published an article in their “The Week in the Archives” about Blowing Rock’s struggle in 1978 to provide adequate ambulance transport service. Oct. 5, 1978 “Blowing Rock Residents Gripe About Ambulance Service” read a headline in the Oct. 5, 1978, Watauga Democrat. “Mayor Hayden Pitts led…

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County Commissioners Must Prioritize Entire County

Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners Please read our Letter to the Editor of the Watauga Democrat commenting on the need for our County Commissioners and Candidates to prioritize needs of entire County. The Link and our letter follows. LINK TO WATAUGA DEMOCRAT LETTER TO EDITOR On Sept. 24, I read the article, VOTE 2020, about…

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2020 Candidate Forum- Ask Questions

Dear Blowing Rock Homeowners, The annual Watauga County Meet the Candidates Forum is scheduled for Thursday, October 1st, from 5:30 – 9:30pm, and will be broadcast live from the Appalachian Theatre in Downtown Boone. The event is co-hosted by the Boone Area & Blowing Rock Chambers of Commerce. YOU CAN SUBMIT QUESTIONS – Members of…

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Watauga County Commission Candidates – Letter to Editor

September 24, 2020 Dear Watauga Democrat Editor, Today I read the article, VOTE 2020, about the five candidates running for three open seats on the Watauga County Commission. I would encourage everyone to read the candidate responses to eight questions. See the link for the article below if you subscribe to the Watauga Democrat.…

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Paul Broyhill Public Service Award – David Goodson

September 11 2020 Blowing Rock Homeowners, At the Annual Meeting of the Blowing Rock Civic Association, we announced the first recipient of The Paul H. Broyhill Community Service Award at its annual meeting September 10th—their first annual meeting on Zoom due to concerns over in-person gatherings with the Covid-19 virus. In the meeting, BRCA member…

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NC Enters Phase 2.5

Good afternoon Blowing Rock Homeowners, Today, Governor Cooper announced that the state will move into Phase 2.5 starting this Friday, September 4th, 2020 at 5:00pm. Please see below press clipping for more in depth information, however, I have listed some of the key points: 1. Mass gathering limits will increase to 25 people indoors and…

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